

Liberalism, ultraleftism or mass action
by peter camejo, 1970

We follow a general organizational type strategy which is simply this. You get the issues around which people are moving against the government and create a unified movement around them, in order to maximize the numbers that will come into motion.

Camejo resorts to trotskyist cliches in the end of this speech, and it's kind of off-putting. However, the critique of ultraleftism is really on point. Worth the read. Thanks Liam.

Constructive Criticism: A Handbook
by Gracie Lyons, 1974

As revolutionaries, it is our responsibility to hear and learn from all criticisms, no matter what form they come in. The goal is to learn how to receive any criticism so that we can learn from it– without counterattacking defensively, and without getting wiped out. Empathizing is a way to receive vague or one-sided criticism as a statement of the criticizer’s observations, feelings, wants, and purpose. Using this guideline prevents me from taking criticisms as a character judgment of me, and allows me to use and learn from any criticism that comes my way.

.This is an excellent practical manual on communication skills and critcism-self-criticism. It is availble in print from foreign languages press.

Communists Belong in DSA
By Christina W, Evelyn B, Hazel F, and William J, 2024

Revolutionary movements are not born “ideologically pure.” The Bolsheviks were born from the pluralist RSDLP; the 26th of July Movement was born from the Orthodox Party. The big-tent nature of these organizations allowed organized and disciplined communists to decisively shape the trajectory of their respective revolutions.

A short and convincing appeal to dsa-curious communists.